In this internet era, many people do business via the internet, the term cool online store. The procedure is quite simple and practical. Live display photos / drawings and written description of the product .But many do not show pictures of its products, or already displaying photos but the pictures are not interesting to look at even tend to random origin.
For that I tried sharing about artificial mini studio made of cardboard used. With this mini studio, the resulting image will be better and worth a look. However, the mini studio is devoted to products that are not too large because it adjusts to the dimensions of the box itself.
With the cost only - / + $2, - we have to create your own mini studio.
1. Former cardboard (square / box)
2. Tracing paper (buy in bookstore)
3. duct tape
4. Lamp of learning (in this example I use an external flash)
5. Pocket camera / pocket / movies / hp / slr
How to make:
1. Cut the inner side of the cardboard box that resembles a hole.
2. Close the hole with tracing paper had already adjusted its dimensions.
3. Use duct tape to stick the tracing paper with cardboard.
3. Put the lights on two sides learn cardboard (1 light is fine).
4. Pairs of tracing paper inside the cardboard box that serves as a background.
You have a nice pict here,thank you for reading..
Nice article,thank's